
I have a VM running in our company lab which has two ports in it named
"int" and "ext" which is binded using dpdk. The port is initialized either
as virtio or sriov mode. My question is how do I determine the port type
using a C program? Are there any dpdk api's which tells me whether its
sriov or virtio based?

Using the shell script I can run "lspci" command and grep for keywords to
identify the port type but I am not finding a simpler way to do this from a
C program. Any help would be appreciated.

If I run "lspci", I get the following output

00:03.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc Virtio network device  <<<<<<<<<
virtio based
00:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller
Virtual Function (rev 01) <<<<<<<<<sriov based

By running grep command on this output and matching the keywords, I can
identify the port type.

Thanks and regards

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