ET Meeting Minutes - March 31, 2022

Chair  : Roland Haas
Minutes: Leo Werneck

Present: Steve Brandt, Peter Diener, Zach Etienne, Bill Gabella, Miguel Garcia,
         Bruno Giacomazzo, Roland Haas, Atul Kedia, Leo Werneck, Yosef Zlochower

Nothing specific added to the agenda.

* Next ET Release:
    - Nothing happens until tomorrow when Kranc, NRPy+, and mathematica
      generated thorns will be regenerated.
    - Is FLRW solver in master yet? Probably not, but Roland will look into it.
    - Roland is testing the toolkit in various clusters.
    - Proposed name of next release: Riemann. Need male name to maintain the
      alternating name scheme. Suggestions should be added to:

* Unanswered questions in mailing list:
    - There is a question regarding segmentation faults when performing
      reductions after setting the number of ghostzones in Carpet to 1. No
      further details are given and no parfile is available. Bruno has
      volunteered to reply requesting the parfile and/or more details.

* No new open tickets

* No new issues for review

* 2022 NA ET Summer School is happening in June at the University of Idaho!
    - Website    :
    - Register at:
    - Leo will send a reminder to the mailing list.
    - We will update the website with hotel information as well.

Next week chair  : Peter Diener
Next week minutes: Bill Gabella


Leonardo Werneck, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Office EP 314 | Department of Physics | University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 0903
Moscow, ID 83844-0903, USA <> <>
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