Hi Roland,

On 06/06/2015 12:48 PM, Roland Tepp wrote:
To my experience, the biggest difference between OBR (or P2) and Maven is
that with Maven repositories, you declare explicit dependencies between
modules/artifacts whereas in OBR you only declare what your module needs
(packages and their version ranges) in order to function, without
explicitly requestng modules by name.

A good example for this is SLF4J logging library.

With OBR, you just declare that your module depends on org.slf4j
<http://www.slf4j.org/apidocs/org/slf4j/package-summary.html> package and
as long as the runtime environment has a module that exports such a
package, it can provide you those classes. You do not need to declare or
even care at build time which actual implementation provides those packages
and you are completely free to decide it individually in your deployment

slf4j is a very good example of the advantage of depending on package rather than artifact. Thanks.

Thanks also to others that have contributed to this thread (including the fork about compile-time dependencies).


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