You guys are not going to believe what the answer was - smart quotes!!  I
swear, I know I am not the best programmer in the world, but I understand
the logic of it, and it looked to me that I was doing everything right.  But
I got the include path by copying it right out of Explorer in Windows, and
pasting it into my php.ini file.  Sadly, it pasted in with smart quotes and
not regular quotes.  A guy on Stackoverflow spotted this somehow because
there were strange symbols around my path in the error code, they look like
little diamonds with question marks in them.

On a further note, I am doing things this way because I am trying to speed
up my database queries and to decrease the amount of data that is being
passed for cost reasons, and came across a blog post by Mihai Corlan that
states that RemoteObject is much much faster using AMF than regular XML
webservices, and in his examples, you have to create an index.php file, a
value object php file, and your service php file to do the work on the PHP
end, and then you have to create a value object actionscript class on the
Flex side to map all of the data to their proper data types.  But this blog
post was written back in 2008, and I don't know how much Flash Builder
evolved since then.

So, my question is this, do you still have to do all of the value object
mapping manually when you are using RemoteObject and AMF, or will Flash
Builder build these classes for you when you connect it to PHP???  My
thinking was that Flash Builder only did this for webservices and
CallResponders, but not for RemoteObject and AMF.  Am I wrong about this??


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