Our team is using IntelliJ for AIR/Flex development since 4 years now and we
are really happy with it. Its fast, reliable and offers a bunch of useful
features. Haven't worked with Moonshine or VSCode yet but heard they are
also quite good.
I would think the bigger and more complex your project is,
Sounds good - can you tell how you did resolve this and what the issue was?
Jan F. Weber,
AIR/Flex Developer @ SeMSy 5 Front-End Team, Dallmeier electronic
Sent from: http://apache-flex-users.246.n4.nabble.com/
Actually, I can not find anything which does *not *work in IntelliJ regarding
Flex development.
IntelliJ is far superior in every aspect and I somehow would assume that you
have configured/set something in an incorrect way. Please elaborate on what
errors you have experienced.
Jan F. Webe
Looks really good - you should kinda "promote" this on as3Lang I feel - there
are quite a few topics about AIR mobile apps so I think this will suite
there quite well
Sent from: http://apache-flex-users.246.n4.nabble.com/
Have a look at the following distriqt ANE:
Also have a look at the following recent thread about IAP on as3lang:
Sent from: http://apache-flex-users.246.
So, the raw-text format was removed in my previous reply; here the content of
the batch/cmd file:
REG add
Settings" /v MaxConnectionsPerServer /t REG_DWORD /d 16 /f
ECHO true
Sent from: http://apache-flex-user
I read the original thread where the creation of an ANE was suggested in
order to manipulate the registry of Windows.
An easier way would be to create a Batch (or cmd) File for this and call
this batch file with an AS3 NativeProcess.
E.g. something like this:
// 16 would be