Hi guys,

I need a little help? Maybe, it’s a error in Flex DateField or I am doing 
something wrong.

I have a date from a timestamp:

„myDate"        <Sun Jul 5 00:00:00 GMT+0200 2015> (@15e28c5f1)
        date                            5
        dateUTC                 4
        day                             0
        dayUTC                  6
        fullYear                        2015
        fullYearUTC             2015
        hours                   0
        hoursUTC                22
        milliseconds            0
        millisecondsUTC 0
        minutes                 0
        minutesUTC              0
        month                   6
        monthUTC                6
        seconds                 0
        secondsUTC              0
        time                            1436047200000
        timezoneOffset  -120

I am here in Germany, with timezone normally UTC + 1 hour, but currently 
Daylight Saving Time UTC + 2 hours.

Now the problem, when I use

this.dateField.selectedDate = myDate;

the DateField shows 04 July 2015 and not 05 July 2015 as I previously selected 
the date and saved to the database.

So the UTC time is shown in the DateiField and not the local time.

Where can I set the timezone of the DateField? I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.


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