I don't recall a scenario like this, but I guess it is technically possible.
Just like disk thrashing caused by running one too many applications at
once, I guess a module could have memory allocation behavior that finally
causes the reaper to thrash.

I guess I would turn on live objects in the profiler, sort by cumulative
instances, go away for a bit and see what objects are climbing up to the

If you have assets that are SWFs and those SWFs are running, they might be
creating the garbage.

On 2/26/13 3:25 PM, "David Coleman" <david_coleman_...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I have a very strange problem, and I'm hoping someone has some insight for me.
> I have an app, which is using sdk 4.5.1A.
> I have created a number of modules, correctly defined with interfaces, etc...
> the modules in question are asset modules.  They are not directly added to the
> stage, but hold various collections of embedded assets (fonts/swf's/etc)...
> if i comment the 2 ModuleManager.getModule(".../fooX.swf") calls from my
> startup sequence, my app uses a nice gentle 3-7 % CPU.
> If I enable ONE of the getModule statements, no change, a small spike when the
> load routines start, but it settles right back to 3-7% idle.
> However if i load both in parallel, cpu goes to 25%-33% (on a quad core) and
> stays there for the life of the app.
> I have tried commenting out the factory instantiation calls in the
> ModuleEvent.READY handler, in case it is something in my implementation... it
> is not.  
> I have tried loading the modules sequence, instead of in parallel.  As soon as
> i get READY and I getModule(...) a 2nd time, the app spikes to 25-33% and
> starts to respond sluggishly.
> I have profiled the app.  I get [reap] at an obscenely high percentage.
> Honestly, it seems for the life of me that the 2nd call to ModuleManager
> invokes some crazy logic which bogs down the whole app...
> I've also tried loading the swf's with a simple loader, then instantiating
> them with a ModuleLoader class.  No difference.
> Has anyone ever experienced anything similar?
> -David

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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