Hello. I am a serious business user of Libreoffice 6.2 [latest version as
of May 8, 2019]
I have used Libreoffice since version 3 and this is my first problem with
I use insurance claim forms that a company sends me in a .docx format. Then
I open them in Libreoffice. This time when I did so Li
1 May 2019 started a new era in the Japanese calendar.
Does LibreOffice correctly convert between Gregorian and Japanese
calendars - Heisei being the former era and Reiwa being the current era.
Or is this part of the functionality provided by the Wareki extension?
To unsubsc
On 2019-04-24 05:43, Drew Jensen wrote:
But if doing it in that order does is not working on the MAC then I
would say yes you should open an issue in the bug tracker.
I'm writing just to report the status, after some test:
_ on a Mac with 6.2.0 I had no problem;
_ on another Mac with 6.2.1 I