Hi All,

I'm one of the people involved with quality assurance and I'm looking for
volunteer(s) to help me maintain a stats wiki. Right now I am the only one
maintaining it and I just am pushed for time to maintain it the way that
I'd like to.

Here is the site: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA_Stats

That is only one set of stats, there are at least 3 other sets that I'd
like to maintain regularly and am always looking for additional useful
stats for our development team as well as our marketing team. If you're
interested please send me an email and we'll work something out. Please
don't just go add stuff, I much prefer coordinating what our goal is in
having the stats updated :)

Skills needed:
Ability to use wiki relatively well
Ability to write clear instructions in English
Ability to maintain a normal schedule (kind of?) to update regularly

Not a huge time commitment here, updating that one that's there really
takes about 2 minutes, if we can get 5-10 different sets of stats it'd
really help out our teams.

Best Regards,

*Joel Madero*
LibO QA Volunteer

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