Is it possible to configure AutoCorrect to automatically format?

For instance, when I type 'ad' followed by a space and a number, I'd
like the 'ad' to be formatted as small capitals. I know I can use a
search-and-replace to apply the formatting, but would prefer to use
AutoCorrect, if possible. (And yes, I know 'ad' can be a word, but I
prefer 'advert' and don't use 'ad' as a word.)

There are other instances where such a feature could be useful.
Automatic formatting already exists (e.g. 'smart' quotations marks,
conversion of *bold* and _underline_ and URLs), it would be useful if
it were possible to customise this feature.

T. R. Valentine
Your friends will argue with you. Your enemies don't care.
'When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food
and clothes.' -- Erasmus

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