Hello.I updated my Java to Java 8u40 and deleted the old Java 7 from
    /Library/Java/....and updated LO to the recent 4.4.1002 for Mac 64 bit.  I 
am using
    OSX 10.9.5I tried to start LO and it won't complete the start saying that I
    need to install Java 6 from Apple.  When I click on "Not Now" LO
    quits.I understand from the Nabble posts that at one time 64 bit Java
    didn't work with LO but those posts were a few years back and
    besides, LO ran quite happily on another Mac we have that doesn't
    have Java at all as far as I can tell.  We never use Base.How do I trick LO 
to start so I can tell it to use Java 8 in the
    prefs?  Or how do I get LO to start without needing to install the
    Old Java SE 6 from Apple?I have googled this and I have read the install 
docs and a few dozen
    forum posts.  I haven't found something that addresses this so far
    so if it exists please help me to find it.Thanks in advance for your 
help.PS I'm on digest mode so please cc me directly.  Thank you!
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