
I have queries developed in base for extracting information from a db. In open office 3.3, I could execute a query, copy a line of the resulting output and paste it into a calc spreadsheet with proper formatting retained. When I do the same in LO 3.4.3, the cell formatting is not preserved properly.

I should mention that in both OO and LO, the titles of all the columns also get copied into the new spreadsheet when performing this operation which is a bit annoying but easily deleted.

Any idea if this is a bug that has developed or if there is another way I should be putting information from a query output into a spreadsheet?





Dr. David N. Whiteman
NASA/GSFC Code 612
Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Laboratory
Building 33, Room D404 (office)
Building 33, Room F421B (lab)
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Skype ID: dnwhiteman
office  301 614 6703
lab     301 614 6775
ALVICE  301 614 6515
fax     301 614 5492


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