
how can I add an image to a spreadsheet cell in such a way that when the mouse pointer is over the image, a larger version of the image is displayed?

The larger, original version of the image resides on a web server. The scaled down image is inserted into the spreadsheet with the 'insert_image()' method provided by 'Excel::Writer::XLSX'[1] because it's impossible to use an URL for this.

Every image is scaled down before inserting it into the spreadsheet because using the original image and setting a scale of the image in the spreadsheet makes things unusably slow. The scaled down version is too small to be useful when zoomed, hence the original image needs to be used for the large display.

When the image is zoomed, it may cover neighbouring rows and cells, i. e. the size of the cell the image is in doesn't need to change.

Ideas for both LO and M$ Excel are welcome, especially since LO is rather buggy and slow with displaying the images anyway, whereas Excel performs nicely.

These spreadsheets have a few thousand images.

[1]: see http://search.cpan.org/~jmcnamara/Excel-Writer-XLSX-0.84/lib/Excel/Writer/XLSX.pm

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