I use this to replicate my LDAP groups from FreeIPA into SGE ACLs.
Seems to work pretty well so far.  Runs as a cronjob every minute or so.
Depending on your directory server, you may have to change the members
line to reflect the way your ds handles groups (memberlist,
uniquemember, etc.).  It does not handle group deletion yet; for
instance, if delete a group from LDAP, the corresponding SGE list does
not get blasted.




ldapsearch="ldapsearch -LLL -H ${ldaphost} -b ${groupbase} -x"

# get list of LDAP groups
groups=$($ldapsearch cn description | awk '/^cn:/ { cn=
$NF } /^description:/ && /{[ ]*:(owner|desc)/ { print cn }')
acls=$(qconf -sul)

for group in $groups; do
  members=$($ldapsearch cn=$group member | awk '/^member:/ { print
$NF }' | sed 's/uid=//g;s/\,.*$//g')

  [ -z "$members" ] && continue

  if [[ "$acls" =~ "$group" ]]; then
    qconf -su $group | sed -n '/entries/q;p' > /tmp/.${group}.sge_ul.$$
    echo "entries $(echo $members | sed 's/ /\,/g')"
>> /tmp/.${group}.sge_ul.$$
    qconf -Mu /tmp/.${group}.sge_ul.$$
    cat > /tmp/.${group}.sge_ul.$$ <<EOF
name    $group
type    ACL DEPT
fshare  100
oticket 0
entries $(echo $members | sed 's/ /\,/g')
    qconf -Au /tmp/.${group}.sge_ul.$$
  rm -f /tmp/.${group}.sge_ul.$$

On Thu, 2013-04-11 at 15:55 -0400, Robert Kirchgessner wrote:
> Is there any existing projects or functionality that would enable
> fine-grained access control based on LDAP user groups or properties?
> Restricting queue access based on user  would be sufficient
> Thank you.
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