
Am 29.04.2016 um 08:45 schrieb Ulrich Hiller:

> you mean, whether the smp configuration is readable from the nodes?
> "qconf -sp smp" gives from all gridengine hosts this configuration.

$ qconf -sql

lists all queues. And in at least one of them the PE should show as:

$ qconf -sq all.q
pe_list               smp

-- Reuti

> Or did  i misunderstand your question?
> Kind regards, ulrich
> On 04/28/2016 07:38 PM, Reuti wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Am 28.04.2016 um 19:18 schrieb Ulrich Hiller:
>>> Dear list members,
>>> i have the problem that jobs submitted over the parallel environment smp
>>> keep hanging in the queue with the stat 'qw', but never run.
>>> First i defined the smp:
>>> ~>  qconf -sp smp
>>> pe_name            smp
>>> slots              999999
>>> user_lists         NONE
>>> xuser_lists        NONE
>>> start_proc_args    NONE
>>> stop_proc_args     NONE
>>> allocation_rule    $round_robin
>>> control_slaves     FALSE
>>> job_is_first_task  FALSE
>>> urgency_slots      min
>>> accounting_summary FALSE
>> Was this PE also attached to any of your queues?
>> -- Reuti
>>> Then i created i simple file:
>>> ~> cat teste.ttt
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> #
>>> #$ -cwd
>>> #$ -S /bin/bash
>>> #$ -o out.txt
>>> #$ -e err.txt
>>> #$ -pe smp 8
>>> /bin/date > /tmp/ddd
>>> Then i ran the job:
>>> qsub teste.ttt
>>> and it keeps hanging forever in qw-state
>>> There is nothing in the messages file about it, neither in the qmaster,
>>> nor in the nodes.
>>> When i delete the pe-line in the file:
>>> ~> cat teste.ttt
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> #
>>> #$ -cwd
>>> #$ -S /bin/bash
>>> #$ -o out.txt
>>> #$ -e err.txt
>>> /bin/date > /tmp/ddd
>>> The job runs on all nodes.
>>> How can i find out what makes it hanging forever in qw-state? What is it
>>> waiting for?
>>> With kind regards, ulrich
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