Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Documentroot does not redirect...

2006-04-16 Thread Krist van Besien
On 4/13/06, Mark Van Crombrugge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Here is my HTTPD.CONF file, the VirtualHost is at the bottom. ( Could you send us the output of apachectl -S? What happens when you change VirtualHost * in to VirtualHost *:80 for your first virtual host? How do you

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ProxyPass and 302

2006-04-16 Thread Jeetendra Mirchandani
Hi, I didnt find such an issue in the archives. The problem I am facing is that Proxypass is not working correctly with HTTP 302 Let me exaplain my config: I have a Org wide Virtual server, that reverse proxies each Department. So when I request for will reverse proxy and

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Can a new directive RemoveOutputFilterByType be added?

2006-04-16 Thread Wang, Sherwin X.
Title: Can a new directive RemoveOutputFilterByType be added? I am using mod_deflate to compress output contents. Id tried to compress everything except PDF etc. using SetOutputFilter. But the configuration based on file extension in URI, SetEnvIfNoCase, will not work because the PDF is

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: How to SSL protect certain directories

2006-04-16 Thread Joost de Heer
Romeo Theriault wrote: Joost, I've tried you option, RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/secure_dir(.*) RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on RewriteRule /^(.*)$1 but still get no change in behaviour. It won't go back to http once it's gone to https:. Change the RewriteRule to RewriteRule

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Loading Mod_Python module generates error:: undefined symbol: apr_table_compress

2006-04-16 Thread Ben Ringold
Pardon, I've just installed mod_python-3.2.8 from source. The installation went fairly smoothly, but I now receive the following error on httpd startup: Syntax error on line 214 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/httpd/modules/ into server: