> I am trying to calculate how much memory a server running worker would use.
> With around 700
> 'ps' reports around 10 child processes using 30-100M...
It would be nice if it were that easy. Remember a lot of the processes are
reusing components. Do a 'pmap' on one of the Apache
process IDs
> In my .htaccess file i denied access by many ips.
> I want to log if that ip is trying to access our site,
> in a special log file for audit purpose.
Not that I'm aware of. Suggest doing something like this:
> I thought that FIPS is within mod_ssl, right?
Doubt it:
The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See http://httpd.apache.org/use
> When a *local URL-path* is used the original status code should be used but
> we're getting a 200 code when using "ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.php"
Either the documentation at link below needs updating or there's a bug in
Apache 2.2.17. If I don't hear back on this list, I'll
submit bug repor
Hi Members,
In my .htaccess file i denied access by many ips. I want to log if that
ip is trying to access our site, in a special log file for audit purpose.
You can please guide me .
Thanks & Regd
Vishesh Kumar
I have a problem that as following, I hope that someone can give me an answer.
I've just been doing some debugging of a CGI file. In doing so I was
outputting a large amount of information to STDERR. During this I found that
this would hang the apache handler process. Reducing the output
I've added a patch to the proxy/balancer to allow for route-only workers are
only enabled for sticky session routes, allowing for an even more
graceful fade-out of a server than making its lbfactor=1 compared to
lbfactor=100 for others.
Please vote for it in bugzilla if you also think it's
When using MPM worker with more than one child process, can anyone tell me
whether Apache will handle connections on one child until all threads are used,
and then pass any new connections to the next child process? This is my guess
of how it roughly happens (since it maximises efficient u