[users@httpd] Authenticate/Authorize user based on group with apache and mysql

2012-01-12 Thread Niklas Johansson
I am trying to get authorization to work on my apache installation. I want to authorize depending on what group the user belongs to. I am using - Apache 2.2.15 - Centos 6.2 (Running as guest in VB) My setup is working if I only want to authenticate/authorize based on the user. Here is the

Re: [users@httpd] Authenticate/Authorize user based on group with apache and mysql

2012-01-12 Thread Nick Kew
On 12 Jan 2012, at 09:44, Niklas Johansson wrote: I am trying to get authorization to work on my apache installation. I want to authorize depending on what group the user belongs to. [chop] AuthzDBDQuery doesn't work since, as I understand it, it is not part of any stable version yet.

Re: [users@httpd] Authenticate/Authorize user based on group with apache and mysql

2012-01-12 Thread Niklas Johansson
Thanks for your answer. Do you know when it will be delivered with any stable version? Since we are looking for a beta version in my project right now, we can wait a little bit with this. But in a while we have to make sure that we add this security level. In worst case, are there any

[users@httpd] reverse proxy, proxyrequests off, remote proxy request returns local root

2012-01-12 Thread Matthew Lenz
Debian 5.x setup |**|mods-enabled# cat proxy* IfModule mod_proxy.c ProxyRequests Off Proxy * AddDefaultCharset off Order deny,allow Deny from all #Allow from .example.com /Proxy ProxyVia On /IfModule # Depends:

[users@httpd] Name Virtual Host Weirdness

2012-01-12 Thread Clay Porter
All, I have two virtual hosts set up that look like the following (I've tried to only include the information pertaining to the problem, i,e, I've removed the actual rewrite rules, etc): Listen *:38215 NameVirtualHost *:38215 VirtualHost *:38215 DocumentRoot /www/sitea ServerName

Re: [users@httpd] Name Virtual Host Weirdness

2012-01-12 Thread Steve Swift
It all looks correct to me. Can you exchange the order of the VirtualHost definitions? The first Virtualhost defined is the one that gets used if anything goes wrong with allocating a request to a particular vhost, so you often end up thinking you are using the first Vhost when in fact you are