I haven't been told that at all actually. I have been trying to extract
precisely that information, from a lot of people who seem churlish in the
extreme at actually answering questions. This latest insult is entirely
typical. It's a simple question and it has a simple answer. Thank you for
the information.
Esmond Pitt
Native English speaker since 1951 and highly incensed at the fatuous
suggestion to the contrary.


From: Noel Butler [mailto:noel.but...@ausics.net] 
Sent: Saturday, 22 December 2012 12:41 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: RE: [users@httpd] Apache HTTP Server 2.4.x for Windows?

On Fri, 2012-12-21 at 13:01 +0000, Sharpe, G wrote: 

I think what Eric is getting at is that the Apache Foundation doesn't
provide any *official* win32 binaries - the ones that are available for
download are actually ones done by a community member and then merely hosted
on the foundations website.


ASF have NEVER released binaries for ANY operating system, only the source
code as the OP has been told several times now but doesn't seem to be able
to comprehend, perhaps English is not his native language, but the end
result is the same, no policy change, only some members who contribute out
of the goodness of their heart WHEN they had SPARE TIME and IF they FELT
like it, there is nothing compelling them to do so, never has been.

Either way, that is why it isn't a policy change - there never have been
official ones

Yes, EXACTLY, but he's been told that.

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