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Igor Cicimov <> wrote:

><html><body>On 27/05/<a href="tel:2015 6">2015 6</a>:00 AM, "Guitar Man" 
>&lt;<a href="";></a>&gt; 
>wrote:<br>&gt;<br>&gt; Hello Eric, how are you?<br>&gt;<br>&gt; Well, I am 
>working with a COMODO certificate and making tests using the<br><a 
>href="";></a>. There, my website SSL 
>Negotiation is more than <a href="tel:300">300</a>ms,<br>however, another 
>sites is working with <a href="tel:30-50">30-50</a>ms. I think this 
>difference<br>between values is makeing the Robots index my project slowly 
>(Could be?)<br>&gt;<br>&gt; I really do not know how to improve the SSL 
>Negotiation. I am using<br>Apache <a href="tel:2.4">2.4</a> + Cpanel + 8GB RAM 
>+ OpCache, and this negotiation still high.<br>&gt;<br>&gt; Do you have some 
>suggestion to me in this searching for a solution?<br>&gt;<br><br>Make sure 
>you use tls<a href="tel:1.2">1.2</a> with ECDHE as your primary cipher as it 
>is faster.<br>Also using ocsp stapling in apache will speedup the establishing 
>of the ssl<br>connections. New systems might lack entropy at the beginning but 
>yours is<br>running for a year you said? Also depends on which device is being 
>used<br>/dev/random vs /dev/urandom but that should be correctly set by 
>apache.<br>Anyway, paste you relevant part of the ssl settings here including 
>the<br>mutex, cache etc. and someone might come up with a suggestion that can 
>help.<br><br>&gt; My main website is: <a 
>href="";></a> (I am 
>turning the<br>OpCache ON soon).<br>&gt;<br><br>OpCache will speedup serving 
>the php pages not the ssl.<br><br>&gt; Thanks a lot again. :) Good 
>year!<br>&gt;<br>&gt; <a href="tel:2015-05-26 16">2015-05-26 16</a>:53 
>GMT-03:00 Eric Covener &lt;<a 
> On Mon, May 25, <a href="tel:2015">2015</a> at 4:36 PM Guitar Man &lt;<a 
>wrote:<br>&gt;&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;&gt; Hello 
>Developers!<br>&gt;&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;&gt; Someone knows if Apache Foundation 
>is working to include the SPDY in<br>the new Apache version for 
>HTTP/2?<br>&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt; There isn't any work on SPDY or 
>mod_spdy.&nbsp; There is some third-party<br>development of a HTTP/2 
>module:<br>&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt; <a 
> The Apache WebServer is the most used application and everyone needs 
>a<br>solution about this 
>issue.<br>&gt;&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;&gt; I am paying CPANEL with 
>Apache, and all my website that are using<br>SSL/HTTPS, the SSL Negotiation is 
>very slow.<br>&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt;<br>&gt;&gt; You're hoping to solve this by 
>opening fewer connections, but wouldn't<br>your n-1 subsequent connections use 
>an abbreviated handshake anyway? Is it<br>really that slow? Maybe you're 
>missing an SSL session cache or have some<br>other extenuating 
>factor?<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt; --<br>&gt;<br>&gt; 
>Att,<br>&gt; Andre Luis de Andrade<br>&gt; Music Online Records @ since <a 
>href="tel:1998">1998</a><br>&gt; E-mail: <a 
>href="";></a><br>&gt; Project: <a 
>href="";></a><br>&gt; World: 
><a href="";></a><br>&gt; Brazil: <a 
>Company: <a href="";></a><br>&gt; 
>Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil<br>&gt; * Help to heal the world before its too 

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