
Thanks for the response. I went through the documentation, it does specify
the support of the custom and standard DH parameters. On the selection of
the parameter the documentation says " hands them out to clients based on
the length of the certificate's RSA/DSA key"

Where as per the RFC7919 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7919.html#page-8

   - A compatible TLS server that receives the Supported Groups extension
   with FFDHE codepoints in it and that selects an FFDHE cipher suite MUST
   select one of the client's offered groups

   if none of the client-proposed FFDHE groups are known and
acceptable to the server, then the server MUST NOT select an FFDHE
cipher suite



Is the server behavior then compliant to the specification? This
information was not so clearly documented/ or couldn't be interpreted. Any
help in this regard is highly appreciated.


On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 11:44 PM Will Fatherley <wefather...@gmail.com>

> It would be very helpful if someone can help in some way or some
>> documentation link that gives some more information on RFC-7919 support in
>> apache httpd server.
> Maybe you’re looking for mod_ssl—
> https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ssl.html

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