We are trying to allow Apache to authenticate users to a certain site based on 
being in one of 3 OU designations in AD.
3.  A specific client OU (Client ABC in our example)
1.  Service Accounts
2.  Internal Support

We have set up 3 "AuthnProviderAlias" directives.
Notably, all the alias definitions use the same AuthLDAPBindDN, 
AuthLDAPBindPassword and only slight changes to the " AuthLDAPURL" specifying 
the OU for each grouping.

<AuthnProviderAlias ldap CLIENT_ABC>
   AuthLDAPBindDN "<Same as above>"
   AuthLDAPBindPassword "test"
   AuthLDAPURL "ldap://util.joesgarage.com:3268/OU=Client 

<AuthnProviderAlias ldap SERVICE_ACCOUNTS>
   AuthLDAPBindDN "<An admin user DN that can bind/search>"
   AuthLDAPBindPassword "test"
   AuthLDAPURL ldap://util.joesgarage.com:3268/OU=SERVICE 

<AuthnProviderAlias ldap INTERNAL_SUPPORT>
   AuthLDAPBindDN "<Same as above>"
   AuthLDAPBindPassword "test"
   AuthLDAPURL "ldap://util.joesgarage.com:3268/OU=INTERNAL 

Our "Directory" directive is set to try each of these aliases (different OUs in 
the same directory) in order until a match is found:

<Directory "/var/www/html/Client_ABC/">
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Client ABC Login"
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
Require valid-user

This doesn't seem to work.  I know your thinking - "why not just use groups"?  
Ans: Simply because we don't want to have to maintain groups for our many 
clients.  We would like to rely on the client user's presence in the OU (and 
allow our service accounts and support personnel at the same time to all sites)

Is this a bug or is there a better way to accomplish this?


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