
I'm new to this list, but I am a user of Apache for a long time.

I have set up a new web server with a certain number of restrictions, it's been several weeks since I'm on it and I can no results.

My server must both provide a website for an institution (eg www.domaine.fr) and simultaneously provide space for users (eg www.domaine.fr/~foobar/).

All this is quite simple, where it gets complicated is that each user must have its own PHP and php.ini and its own sessions and uploads directories. User scripts must be started with their own identity.

I tried with suexec but nothing works.

Vhosts are not allowed. I use mod_fcgid but I do not know if mod_fastcgi better answer to my expectations

Some information:

* OS: Ubuntu Server 11.10 amd64
* Apache: 2.2.20
* PHP: 5.3.6

        DocumentRoot: /srv/www/
        Userdirs: /home/*/public_html
        User configuration directory: /var/www/*/conf/php.ini
        Directory of user sessions: /var/www/*/sessions
        Directory of user uploads: /var/www/*/uploads or
                /home/*/uploads (which is best)

All ideas are welcome
Best regards

PS: Sorry for my english... I'm french :-)

 Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseau     | Systems and Network Engineer
 Département Informatique         | Department of computer science
 Responsable Réseau et Téléphonie | Telecom and Network Manager
 Université de Rouen              | University of Rouen
Coordonnées / Contact :
        Université de Rouen
        Faculté des Sciences et Techniques - Madrillet
        Avenue de l'Université - BP12
        76801 St Etienne du Rouvray CEDEX

        Tél : +33 (0)2-32-95-51-86
        Fax : +33 (0)2-32-95-51-87

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