I got that error when I didn't have AuthBasicProvider LDAP and using Basic AuthType. Perhaps you need a AuthDigestProvider line instead of AuthBasicProvider?


Keigo IMAI wrote:


I encountered a problem when using mod_authnz_ldap with digest password.

OS : Mac OS X Server 10.4
Apache : 2.2.0
(attached config.log)

Once I try to get the page with authentication by LDAP and Digest password (submitting id and pass), then it immediately returns a 500 error to my browser.

Below is the part of my httpd.conf file.

Alias /uploads "/opt/local/apache2/uploads"

<Directory "/opt/local/apache2/uploads">

    Options All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    AuthBasicAuthoritative off

    AuthName upload

    # switch here ---- Digest or Basic
    AuthType Digest
    #AuthType Basic
    # -------------------------

    # switch below ---- ldap or file
    AuthBasicProvider ldap
    AuthLDAPURL ldap://osxserver/dc=somewhere,dc=jp?uid
    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off

    #AuthBasicProvider file
    #AuthUserFile "/opt/local/apache2/user.passwd"
    # -------------------------------

    require valid-user


And when I accessed to:
then I got a 500 error.

Apache2 says:

[Sat Feb 11 02:57:39 2006] [error] Internal error: pcfg_openfile() called with NULL filename [Sat Feb 11 02:57:39 2006] [error] [client xxx.yyy.zzz.www] (9)Bad file descriptor: Could not open password file: (null)

(when loglevel is 'debug')

...However, it works fine when I switch to:
  1. "AuthType Basic"
  2. "AuthBasicProvider file"
respectively, like the comment of above fragment of conf file.
So I am sure that all modules including mod_authnz_ldap and mod_auth_digest are loaded properly.

And more, I guess that the combination of mod_authnz_ldap with Digest password causes this.
Is there anyone who encountered this problem?
...or, is this an OSX specific bug?

Any help will be appreciated.
(And, sorry for my unskilled English.)

Keigo IMAI


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