is setup as a virtual host on an Apache web server.  It 
is configured as a proxy server sitting between the client and (the "Origin").  Pages returned from the Origin by 
the proxy server to the client contain a couple of embedded links which are in 
the form of, "/static_blah_blah".  This causes the returned pages to fail to 
display properly.  In order for the returned pages to display properly, these 
embedded links need to be modified so as to be in the form of, 
"";.  Fortunately, in the content 
returned from the Origin, the word "static" appears nowhere else expcept in 
these links.  That makes formulating the substitutions easy.  My Location 
directive is embedded in the VirtualHost directive and it looks like this:
<Location ????>   AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html   Substitute 
It's not working.  It's not making any substitutions at all.  I'm guessing that 
the problem is that I'm confused about what needs to be used in place of 
"????".  I have tried many combinations; but, nothing seems to work.  I may 
have other problems as well.  Can anyone please help me with what I need to do 
to get this working?  Thanks for any input.
          ... doug 

    <LocationMatch /appScripts/.*>
#   <LocationMatch*>
      AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html
      Substitute "s|/static||

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