
not sure if this is the right place, if not please point to me to the right

I am using buildbot ( trac.buildbot.net ) to which clients connect through
a proxy (installed on the same machine as buildbot server). Buildbot has an
internal webserver of its own. To make it clear:

client browser -> Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) with mod proxy -> buildbot
internal webserver

The problem:

Buildbot has a nice where, while a process in running, it's possible to
read the logs in real time with a  web browser. This is usually referred to
as "Log streaming"
The above feature seems to have stopped working by the time the Apache
proxy was set behind Buildbot. The page just doesn't load, the browser's
loading icon is all I can se. Upon step/task's complition, I can open it.
Without the proxie, everything goes back to functioning.

Log streaming does not seem to be new to troubles when used together with a
proxie. I've been in touch with the buildbot guys for a while now and after
having tried all the most common fixes, we've come to the conclusion this
is more of an Apache question.

To be more precise, many have been able to get past the issue by tweaking
the ProxyIOBufferSize directive. Messing around with ProxyReceiveBufferSize
did not help either.

Buildbot exposes its web at http://buildbot/global/ In buildbot
configuration terms:

HTTP_PORT = 'tcp:19811:interface='
EXTERNAL_URL = 'http://buildbot/global/'

and the proxy (running on the smae machine!) is set up the following way:

ProxyPass /global/ http://localhost:19811/
ProxyPassReverse /global/ http://localhost:19811/

Any hint would be hugely welcome.


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