Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to use the directive of Redirect??

2007-10-12 Thread JeffHua
In a message dated 2007-10-12 16:22:44 中国标准时间, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi.. Does anyone ever use the directive of Redirect? I saw it's document on the web, and it seems to redirect pages to Specific URL, such as Redirect /myweb;. But if I only want to redirect one

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to use the directive of Redirect??

2007-10-12 Thread JeffHua
In a message dated 2007-10-12 17:12:17 中国标准时间, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Alias only can be used for URL to physical path, such as Alias /MyWeb /home/Aslan. But now I want to chnage URL to the other URL. Here I describe my problem more detail as following: Alias /myweb/Aslan /home/Aslan

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Help] How to change the content of response on the fly?

2007-10-09 Thread JeffHua
In a message dated 2007-10-9 11:43:51 中国标准时间, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: As you can see, I have to open the actual file before do anything. This approach doesn't work if the requested URI doesn't correspond to real file in the OS or the request file should be parsed before sending out,