Hello List!

I created an app with GUI that gets data from the apache served through the
functionality called piped logs

My app works just fine when I launch it from codeblocks or when I start it
myself via gui or from command line, even if I lunch it as Root.

*However*: when Apache launches the application fails to create the openGL
window (some cout output located at main() before creating the openGL
window is shown in the command line). I digged into the apache error logs
and I found the following messages:

[ error ] ofAppGLFWWindow: 65542: X11: Failed to open X display
[ error ] ofAppGLFWWindow: couldn't init GLFW
[ error ] ofAppGLFWWindow: 65537: The GLFW library is not initialized
[ error ] ofFbo: GL frame buffer object not supported by this graphics card
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
My  app worked fine in windows (GUI included). However for technical
reasons I need to use it in linux (Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits). And I'm facing
the problem described above. My app is based in openframworks i.e. openGL.

I'm almost sure that this has to do with the context in which apache is
being run. However, this is beyond my tech expertise.

Every piece of help is highly appreciated!

Basic data:

Ubuntu 12.04 64bits


OF 0.84

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