Hi All,

*My Setup:*

My website is served from apache with jboss acting as an application server.
All of the webapp resides in jboss deployment directory. Apache talks to
jboss using ProxyPass in development and AJP protocol in production.

*My Goal:*

I want to serve all the static content (e.g. css) out of apache directly
reducing load on Jboss itself, as apache is much better at serving static

*My Problem is:*

I have a global proxypass rule in httpd.conf

ProxyPass /test/css http://myserver:7788/test/css

ProxyPassReverse /test/css http://myserver:7788/test/css

and I have a virtual host

Listen localhost:7788
NameVirtualHost localhost:7788
<VirtualHost localhost:7788>
    Alias /test/css/

*I would like to disable all global proxypass rules applying in this virtual
host? NoProxy doesn't seem to work.*

(The reason I would like to do this is I have below global rules which
create a 502 proxy loop if applied within this virtual host

#pass all requests to application server
ProxyPass        /test          http://localhost:8080/test
ProxyPassReverse /test          http://localhost:8080/test


*What I'm trying to do is, serve all static content (like css) using apache,
while still proxying all the rest of requests to the application server.*

Any help or guidance would be really appreciated.


(P.S. I've already asked this question at

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