Hi all,

*setup and idea*
Currently I'm setting up a WebDAV-server for network-drive-like use in both
Windows XP and Windows 7 clients. The test setup is running nice when using
mod_dav_fs. Yesterday I read something about using mod_dav_svn and auto
versioning to keep a history of files. As I was looking for a versioning
file system (for extremely thorough backuping) this might just be the right

However, I ran into various problems. First of all, with exactly the same
settings as the running WebDAV-configuration (just adding SVNParentPath,
SVNAutoVersioning On and setting Dav on to Dav svn) it doesn't work on both
my Windows and Linux client. The Windows clients suddenly return the error
'çan't find network resource' (or something alike, as I'm using Dutch
Windows versions) or when already connected they tell me that the parameter
is incorrect. Looking up that error tells me that that should be
interpreted as 'command not supported'.

The Linux client, Konqueror, does show the files, but when opening a file
in LibreOffice, editing and saving it, it seems to be saved (no error
showing up) but the file hasn't been uploaded. Seems to be an error in
KDE's handling of this matter. Cadaver seems to be running fine.

*actual question*
mod_dav_svn seems to present another 'interface' to the clients than
mod_dav_fs does, as Windows clients don't recognize it and KDE doesn't
handle it well. Is this a bug, is there a workaround or should I stop
chasing mod_dav_svn as a solution for my initial problem?


P.S. I've tried with mod_dav_lock as well, which doesn't make a difference

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