I am having trouble with authentication/authorization for my nagios

I want to use a local password file OR kerb/ldap.

Below is my configuration.

My kerb/ldap accounts work fine, however my "nagiosadmin" account does not.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.

*<VirtualHost hostname:443>ServerName hostnameLoadModule ldap_module
modules/mod_ldap.soLoadModule authnz_ldap_module
modules/mod_authnz_ldap.soLoadModule auth_kerb_module
modules/mod_auth_kerb.so## Vhost docrootDocumentRoot
"/usr/local/nagios/etc"## Directories, there should at least be a
declaration for /usr/local/nagios/etc<Directory
"/usr/local/nagios/share">AllowOverride noneOrder allow,denyAllow from
allAuthName "LDAP"AuthType BasicAuthBasicProvider file ldapAuthUserFile
"/usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users"Require user nagiosadminRequire
ldap-group cn=unixadm,blahblahKrbMethodNegotiate onKrbMethodK5Passwd
onKrbAuthRealms legitrealmKrbServiceName httpKrb5KeyTab
/etc/httpd/conf/mykeytabfileKrbSaveCredentials OnAuthLDAPURL
"ldaps://ldap.blahclah"AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUidSSLOptions
+StrictRequire +StdEnvVarsSSLRequireSSL</Directory>*

If I type the wrong password this shows up in my error log:
user nagiosadmin: authentication failure for "/nagios/": Password Mismatch

if I type the right password...nothing shows up anywhere...not in access,
error, nagios....my browser just keeps prompting for my credentials.

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