Subject: Need help in checking a property value inside cookie and then 
resetting it

Hi All,

I have the below use case:

1) We are using Apache HTTPD as load balancer and dispatcher which also takes 
care of caching of static content.

2) We are using Tomcat as application server. So request comes to Apache HTTPD 
and it forwards the request to Tomcat.

3) We are setting a Session Cookie in Java code with a property ExpiryTime when 
user logs in (Cookie will also have other relevant properties).

4) Value of ExpiryTime property would be "CurrentTimeInMilliseconds + 15 
minutes in milliseconds".

5) Now we want to set up a rule in the Apache HTTPD server to check the value 
of this Cookie Property and compare it with CurrentTimeStamp.

6) If the property value is less than CurrentTimeStamp delete the Cookie and 
redirect user to Log In page (Session Time out) else reset the value of this 
Cookie property to "CurrentTimeInMilliseconds + 15 minutes in milliseconds" 
(Renew session timeout).

Can you please help me figuring out a way to configure this conditional rule in 
Apache HTTPD server.

I cannot put this condition check in my Tomcat or Java code, because I am 
serving lot of my cached pages from Apache HTTPD server itself.

The above use case is to handle User Session management using Cookie only 
(Without HTTP Session)

Please help!



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