First i would like to apologize for my basic English. Now it's down, i can 
start :
I want to replace mod_auth_mysql by mod_authz_ldap but i have a problem :
To show you exactly what my problem, i created a test case
          with some explanation.


          You can see it here : http://test.soez.be/modauth/


          Everything is explained in the file _README_EN.txt


          Short explanation :


        You may log in using the three methods with the following urls :






          In the first two cases, the admin folder is invisible, but
          with ldap method, the admin folder is visible and i get a 403
          error page when i try to enter it.

          The Sql or Apache, methode prompt the user to login again
          before showing a 403 error page


          Could you help me please ?
Andreatta Sébastien


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