I'm a newbie to apache config. I'm having problem with a re-direct in production that I'm not able to re-produce in my test box. Meaning, I use the same conifg in test and it works, but the same config doesn't work in production. I 'm running AIX and apache on tier1 and Websphere 5.0.2 on tier2. When the re-direct works in the test box, I type in xyzi.uboc.com and it re-direct me to a login page. When it's not working in production, it display "Place index.html's content here." on the browser. I alos found out, if I type the ip address in the URL, the re-direct does work. Can anyone helps ? Thanks.


Listen xx.xxx.xxx.xx:80
<VirtualHost xx.xxx.xxx.xx:80>
  ServerName xyzi.uboc.com
  ServerAlias xx.xxx.xxx.xx
  DocumentRoot /www/sites/xyz
  DirectoryIndex index.xyzi
  ErrorLog /logs/xyz/error.log
  CustomLog /logs/xyz/access.log combined
  Redirect /index.xyzi "http://xyzi.uboc.com/xyzl/ViewController?screen=ldapInit&state=1"
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