Hello  all,
I have some problems on some servers.
My settings are as follows: apache + ajp to connect.

The errors that I see every so often are:

[Fri Jul 17 16: 29: 30.520085 2020] [proxy_ajp: error] [pid 84405: tid
48352] (70007) The timeout specified has expired: AH01030:
ajp_ilink_receive ()can't receive header
[Fri Jul 17 16: 29: 30.520156 2020] [proxy_ajp: error] [pid 84405: tid
48352] [client] AH00992: ajp_read_header:
ajp_ilink_receive failed

Vhost configuration
ProxyPass / app / ajp: // localhost: 8009 / app /
ProxyPassReverse / app / ajp: // localhost: 8009 / app /


ServerLimit 32
StartServers 8
MinSpareThreads 32
MaxSpareThreads 64
ThreadLimit 64
ThreadsPerChild 64
MaxRequestWorkers 2048
MaxConnectionsPerChild 10000

<Connector port = "8009" protocol = "AJP / 1.3" redirectPort = "8443"
enableLookups = "false" maxThreads = "1024" />

Can you think of something I can look at?
I think I've looked at everything 100 times and I'm still the same.

Thank you, Regards.


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