Thank you Jim, clients will be happy to see the progress on this. Please keep 
me in the loop when this is added to 2.4!


> On Aug 31, 2022, at 11:35 AM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
> This was just added to trunk; I will propose a back port to 2.4.x soon!
>> On Aug 24, 2022, at 3:14 PM, Mike Scinto <> wrote:
>> We have a client using the mod proxy health check module which is failing 
>> because the healthcheck end point we are hitting does not accept HTTP 1.0 
>> requests or older for security hardening purposes. We checkd the module here 
>> and can see 
>> that HTTP 1.0 is being hard coded. Can we request that we add an option to 
>> specify the HTTP version mod_proxy_hcheck module uses if we do not have an 
>> option to update our backend to accept HTTP 1.0 requests?
>> Thank you,
>> -Mike

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