J R M schrieb:
I've recently had a request from one of our clients to provide their logs
in the 'Extended W3C Log Format'.
From poking around google and reading
http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-logfile.html the fomat looks awfully strange.
Is it possible to configure Apache in a way to create logfiles in this
format without using some sort of external logging system?
That's not really a problem. There is only one question: Which fields did
your client need in the logfile?
Just use mod_log_config and use the apache format string which is similar to
the extended log file format field.
For example the apache combined log (without username) in W3C extended log
format can defined with:
| LogFormat "%h %{%Y-%m-%d}t %{%H:%M:%S}t %m %U%q %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\"
\"%{User-Agent}i\"" extended
| CustomLog logs/extended_log extended
Add this header to the logfile (extended_log):
| #Version: 1.0
| #Fields: c-dns date time cs-method cs-uri uri-stem sc-status sc-bytes
cs(referer) cs(user-agent)
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