

I'm trying to get Apache httpd 2.2.3 to Jboss 4 connctivity working using
mod_jk and am not having much luck.  Httpd is on one machine and jboss is on
a second machine.  I build mod_jk and installed it on the httpd machine.
Added mod_jk.conf, workers.properties and uriworkermap.properties file in
the same location as the httpd.conf file.  Verified that mod_jk.so exists in
the httpd/modules folder.  If I browse to https://mydomain.com/ I get the
default ApacheTest page.  If I try to browse to
https://mydomain.com/testpage/ (which is supposed to route traffic to the
jboss server according to uriworkermap.properties) all I get is page not
found message in the browser and the httpd error log reports "file does not
exist /var/www/html/testpage".  It's like mod_jk.so isn't loading and doing
what it's supposed to do according to documentation.





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