I'm trying to configure a virtual host in Apache 2.0.50 (Win 32) to talk to a Tomcat 5.5 via mod_jk/1.2.15. I basically want to pass on all URL's to the Tomcat instance. In an attempt to do this, I've defined the following entry in my Apache httpd.conf file:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName content.rmgapps.com
    ErrorLog logs/content.rmgapps.log
        DocumentRoot ...
        JkMount / ajp13worker
        JkMount /* ajp13worker  
    <Location />
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Satisfy Any

My worker file looks like this:

# Define 1 real worker using ajp13
worker.list = adj13worker

# Set properties for adj13worker (ajp13)

If I have Apache and Tomcat running, it seems that most URL's are in fact being processed by my Tomcat instance. However, if I have a URL like this:


the request isn't passed on to Tomcat, but is processed by Apache instead. For example, if I were to do this:

http://localhost:8580/foo/bar/some\value/boo (where 8580 is the port on which Tomcat is running and the browser escapes the \ to %5C)

I get a proper result. If I go through Apache, I get an Apache error message telling me the URL isn't found on this server. I realize the URL is kind of funky because of the backslash, but I'm wondering why Apache won't pass this URL along to Tomcat and, more importantly, is there a way to configure Apache so that it *will* pass URLs like this along to Tomcat.


James Howe

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