I did a few more tests, and the user i enter in the browser when it goes to 
Auth, i can see in apache logs:

[Fri Nov 24 00:34:45 2006] [error] [client] user oi: authentication 
failure for "/": Password Mismatch

But looking at MySQL logs:

061124  0:34:45     218 Connect     [EMAIL PROTECTED] on auth
                    218 Prepare     [1] select password from users where 
                    218 Execute     [1] select password from users where 
                    218 Quit

Should the query in MySQL be ?

                    218 Execute     [1] select password from users where 

In the virtualhost i have:

        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "My Server"
        AuthBasicProvider dbd
        Require valid-user

        AuthDBDUserPWQuery "select password from users where username='%s'"

I recompiled libapr and libaprutil from svn, the last 0.3.0.
I use the apache 2.2.3 version from the debian packages.
What could it be?

Jorge Bastos

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