Hi all,

I'm a bit stuck right now not knowing how to proceed. On Apache 2.2
(Debian Etch) I'm running to userdirs nested into each other. The first
one enables user directories for the directory WWW and the second one
enables this for SSL and Kerberos:
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
        UserDir WWW
        UserDir disabled root
        <Directory /home/*/WWW>
                AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
                Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
        <Directory /home/*/WWW/SECRET>
                AuthType Kerberos
                KrbAuthRealms ABC.NET
                require valid-user
                KrbServiceName http
                Krb5Keytab /etc/keytab

That's working nicely, with http://... users can see everything except
~user/SECRET which is correct, since this should only be exposed via
https and it does.

However, many users fall into the trap and use
and I would like to redirect this request to https.

I've tried putting this redirect into the first directory directive but
 I assume this is not used for ~user/SECRET at all, thus ineffective.
Question is, where to put that or how to accomplish that?

Thanks a lot


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