Use webdav för put, mod_dav is included with apache nowadays, i believe
the Script PUT suggestions are quite old.
Robert McNaught skrev:
Dear all,
I have been reading through some documentation regarding enabling the
HTTP PUT method. There is a variety of information on the internet,
Dear all,
I have been reading through some documentation regarding enabling the
HTTP PUT method. There is a variety of information on the internet,
although some of it does not seem to match.
I am using Apache/2.0.61 (Unix).
I have added the following to access.conf in my http configuration dir
I am pretty new to Apache, and cannot seem to find a lot of
documentation on this online.
I am trying to set up Apache as a provisioning server for telephones.
The telephones request configuration files, and then use the PUT
method to upload log files once they have booted.
I can see in the