
I configured a proxy-reverse whith apache 2.0

I can request on browser:

Application called NTOP on localhost:3000, reverse proxied on address/ntop

1) I go on address/ntop/hostsinfo.html and apache send me --> localhost:3000/hostsinfo.html # good

2) address/ntop/logo.gif and apache dont' show me anything # bad

3) address/ntop/showplugins.html and apache send me --> localhost:3000/showplugins.html # good

4) when I click on "plugins view" on main page, I have this:

. original (simple) request of the page was: localhost:3000/plugins/LastSeen

. address that appears on the browser (reverse-proxied) : /ntop/plugins/ntop/LastSeen

. response of the server apache: /plugins/ntop/LastSeen

## ERROR: The server cannot find the requested page (page expired or ntop configuration ?). Received request: "GET /plugins/ntop/LastSeen HTTP/1.1" ##

So, This is my configuration:


ProxyHTMLLogVerbose On

LogLevel warn

ProxyHTMLExtended On

ProxyRequests Off

<Proxy *>

Order deny,allow

Allow from all


ProxyPass /ntop/ http://localhost:3000/

ProxyPassReverse /ntop/ http://localhost:3000/

ProxyHTMLURLMap http://localhost:3000 /ntop

<Location /ntop/>

ProxyPassReverse /

SetOutputFilter proxy-html

ProxyHTMLURLMap / /ntop/

ProxyHTMLURLMap /ntop /ntop

RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding



may you help me?



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