“Can you post us the pertinent part of your Apache 

configuration?... Are you doing something more elaborate or different?” 

 Sure – be happy to: 
  <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName corvair.dominion.org/tst
    ServerAlias corvair.dominion.org /tst
    Proxyrequests off
    <Proxy *>
      Order deny,allow
      Allow from all
    ProxyPass / http://budd. dominion.org /tst/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://budd. dominion.org /tst/
  # Disable TRACE and TRACK verbs
  RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule .* -[F]
  So, to recap: browser sends request for http://budd. dominion.org 
/tst/form.asp?name=&addy= ;
  FW says REDIRECT to apache proxy…http:// corvair.dominion.org/tst ;  apache 
proxy will work fine with base request - http://budd. dominion.org /tst/ - but 
doesn’t seem to pass anything else, e.g., form.asp?name=&addy=
  I appreciate the assist…
  Oh, to Nick & j.k. – I DID read the help file Nick authored but I think I’m 
being exceptionally dense about this ‘cause I didn’t see what perhaps you 
thought I should in it…
  p.s. – have tried various combinations of trailing whacks on proxy and 
virtual hosts w/o success…

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