Continuing with trying to get Apache running on my HP-UX system, hoping
someone can lend some thoughts.  I recompiled apache 2.0.55 for about
the 100th time, this time setting -enable-ssl=shared instead of
compiling it in statically.  Running apache in Debug mode results in:


[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [info] Connection to child 2 established
(server, client <client IP scrubbed>)

[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [info] Seeding PRNG with 136 bytes of entropy

[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [debug] ssl_engine_io.c(1512): OpenSSL: read
11/11 bytes from BIO#401a3500 [mem: 401aabb0] (BIO dump fo


[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [debug] ssl_engine_io.c(1459):


[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [debug] ssl_engine_io.c(1484): | 0000: 80 67
01 03 01 00 4e 00-00 00 10                 .g....N....    


[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [debug] ssl_engine_io.c(1490):


[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [info] SSL library error 1 in handshake
(server, client <client IP scrubbed>)

[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [info] SSL Library Error: 336027900
error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol

 speaking not SSL to HTTPS port!?

[Tue Sep 11 10:10:43 2007] [info] Connection to child 2 closed with
abortive shutdown(server, client <client IP



Keep in mind that I have a parallel installation of apache that was
compiled with the same source code, on the same server, and linked to
the same OpenSSL libraries that works just fine.  I just can't seem to
figure out what I did differently between the two compiles to cause this
to happen.




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