HARBOR: http://coolharbor.100free.com/index.htm
The most powerful application server on earth.
The only real POJO Application Server.
Making the Java dream come true.

Another confirmation that POJO Application Server is a major threat.

It seems some "anonymous" wiki members, are trying to eradicate the existence 
of the POJO Application Server.
Their neutrality is clearly questionable.

Please lodge your objections to the removal of the POJO Application Server

It seems WikiPedia is not a neutral entity. Glassfish can be defined but an 
even more generic term like
POJO Application Server cannot be defined, something is clearly wrong.

If a generic term like 'Application Server' is allowed to exist, why not POJO 
Application Server?

It would be interesting if someone could give us the background of those 
lodging the objections.
This application server is a tool for Tomcat, and also happens to be more 
powerful than Glassfish.
It seems some people don't like that?

Its a sad day when large IT companies have to resort to removing indirect 
references to competitors products.
Seems to me that little IT companies with products are not allowed to exist.
Java is proclaimed as open source but the market belongs to just one.

Seems that some people will stop at nothing to hide the existence of Tomcat and 

To understand what is really happening... Harbor is more than an application 
server, it actually turns Tomcat into Java's first Operating System.
Harbor is a NVM, a Network Virtual Machine.
What makes this very dangerous to monopolies, is that it makes Java free.

On this application server, one can take a little Sun Java and add a little 
Harmony to it... thats what they trying to kill.
Tomcat is on its way to becoming the next Operating System... good for Java, 
bad for a monopoly.

Stop the bullies, put a link on your site, and add it to the wiki page.
Shame on Java...

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