Every thursday morning at 5am, we have our production server do a reboot.  Usually without issues.  This morning, on reboot, the server hangs on reboot with what appears to be an application popup waiting for someone to click 'ok'. 
Here is the event viewer data:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: Application Popup
Event Category: None
Event ID: 26
Date:  8/3/2006
Time:  5:06:41 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: NBRCHWSE01
Application popup: Apache.exe - Application Error : The instruction at "0x77f90e28" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program

Has anyone experienced this.  Is there a way to auto-terminate the program in this situation?
I did find a bugzilla report
that states to change the source code, that is not an option for us. 
Any help is appreciated.

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