[EMAIL PROTECTED] correction

2007-08-02 Thread Harvey Saayman
sorry... need to make a correction in my prev e-mail...when i start the server it shows no errors but i CANT reach that page in a browser HaRvEy SaaymaN [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<---< Chaos reigns within >--->> <<---< Reflect, repent, and reboot >--->> <<---< Orde

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Correction to Apache on XP acting strangely

2006-08-12 Thread Charles Michener
Error.log is being written to as errors happen - just the sile size and time stamp are not updatingCharles Get your email and more, right on the new Yahoo.com

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Correction & Question: SSLCertificateFile: RedHat (RHEL4) apache startup failure: ebxml-registry-repository on tomcat on port 6480, with Mambo LAMP Portal on port 8080: Despite

2006-05-14 Thread Rex Brooks
Note: Please don't be shy if you have expertise in the effect of permissions on cacert.pem, server.crt, privkey.pem and server.key on whether or not apache2.0 in RHEL4 will start. Just to confirm the error message that the configuration of SSL is truly at fault, I removed the mod_ssl package a

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Correction & Question: SSLCertificateFile: RedHat (RHEL4) apache startup failure: ebxml-registry-repository on tomcat on port 6480, with Mambo LAMP Portal on port 8080: Despite S

2006-05-13 Thread Rex Brooks
Thanks again, Richard, I missed this message due to a series of 12-hour days during last week's OASIS Symposium. I apologize. I'm still working my way out of the backup. I appreciate your follow-through very much, Answers inline. At 11:46 AM -0700 5/9/06, Richard de Vries wrote: Are you

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Correction & Question: SSLCertificateFile: RedHat (RHEL4) apache startup failure: ebxml-registry-repository on tomcat on port 6480, with Mambo LAMP Portal on port 8080: Despite S

2006-05-09 Thread Richard de Vries
Are you using a seperate configuration file for your SSL instance? Let's start with a couple of basic things. 1) Do you have the SSL configuration between tags?. If so, what is your set to in this case? 2) SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile point to valid files right? Can you do

RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Correction & Question: SSLCertificateFile: RedHat (RHEL4) apache startup failure: ebxml-registry-repository on tomcat on port 6480, with Mambo LAMP Portal on port 8080: Despite S

2006-05-09 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
iated configuration directives. -ascs -Original Message- From: Rex Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 2:10 PM To: Richard de Vries Cc: users@httpd.apache.org Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Correction & Question: SSLCertificateFile: RedHat (RHEL4) apache startup fa

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Correction & Question: SSLCertificateFile: RedHat (RHEL4) apache startup failure: ebxml-registry-repository on tomcat on port 6480, with Mambo LAMP Portal on port 8080: Despite S

2006-05-09 Thread Rex Brooks
Thanks Richard, I appreciate that you took the time to answer. So far you are the only one. This installation is on RedHat Enterprise Linux4 and Apache2.0 and I have tried the Key-Certificate generation instructions detailed in the System Administration Guide Ch. 26.6-26.8, I tried the free

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Correction & Question: SSLCertificateFile: RedHat (RHEL4) apache startup failure: ebxml-registry-repository on tomcat on port 6480, with Mambo LAMP Portal on port 8080: Despite Self-

2006-05-08 Thread Rex Brooks
Please see my previous post for details. I said that mod_ssl was not installed, but a double check showed that it is. My question is only about filenames for SSLCertificateFile and/or SSLCertificateKeyFile. ApacheSSL Documentation says at http://www.apache-ssl.org/docs.html#SSLCertificateFil