hi there...

i cant seem to get a server online with the minimim directives used... all i 
want to do at this point is get a simple html showing... this is what i have in 
my httpd.conf 

im using WINDOWS XP SERVICE PACK 2 and apache 2.2.4


ServerName  www.HarveySaayman.com
Listen  80 (i tried aswell)


ErrorLog  c:\www\error.log
DocumentRoot  C:\WWW


according to an article i got off the net this should work... when i start the 
server it shows no errors but i can reach that page in a browser

in c:\www i have an index.htm and my empty error log was made there aswell as i 
set it up 2....

what am i missing or doin wrong?

                 HaRvEy SaaymaN

       <<---< Chaos reigns within >--->>
<<---< Reflect, repent, and reboot >--->>
         <<---< Order shall return >--->>

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