OK, I really hate to be writing this. But I have tried everything I can think 
of. ProxyPass, RewiteRule and although I
can get http://irc2.mydomain.com/drone to work, I can not figure out how to get 
drilling in to work.


I am using apache 1.3 and Virtual hosts. When I go to the drone main page and I 
try to go into a channel it tries to go
to http://localhost:8080/logs


I have a web irc channel at the same address. This works on another server but 
I can not get it to work on this new
server. What I want to do is go to the web irc interface at URL 
http://irc2.mydomain.com/ and I want drone ( a java app
running on jetty at port 8080) to operate at URL http://irc2.mydomain.com/drone.


below is the bits from my conf file. Any help would be great.







        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        DocumentRoot /var/www/cgiirc

        DirectoryIndex index.html

                        RewriteRule /index\.html /cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi [R]

                        RewriteEngine on


        ServerName irc2.mydomain.com

        ErrorLog /var/log/apache/cgiirc-error.log

        CustomLog /var/log/apache/cgiirc-access.log combined


        <Location /drone>

                                    AuthUserFile {my passwd file}

                                    AuthName ByPassword

                                    AuthType Basic

                                    require valid-user



        <Location /drone/message>

                                    <LimitExcept POST GET>

                                                Require valid-user




                        ProxyPass /drone http://localhost:8080/

        ProxyPassReverse /drone http://localhost:8080/



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